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You Should Be Doing This

Today, we shift our focus to a fundamental yet sometimes overlooked skill for any author: effective note-taking. As writers, we are often inundated with a deluge of ideas, character arcs, plot twists, and more. Keeping track of these fragments of inspiration is where note-taking comes into play. But how can we take notes effectively as an author?

1. Carry a Notebook Everywhere

Ideas can strike at any time. Whether you're out on a walk, waiting in a line, or just about to fall asleep, inspiration could hit you. Having a notebook on hand will ensure you're always ready to jot down your thoughts. If you prefer digital tools, apps like Evernote or Google Keep can be useful, however I personally prefer a physical notebook. I like the process of writing by hand.

2. Capture Every Idea

No idea is too small or insignificant to note down. Even if it doesn't fit into your current project, it might come in handy later. Over time, you'll amass a treasure trove of ideas that can serve as a springboard for your creativity.

3. Character Profiles and Story Outlines

Use your notes to sketch out your characters in detail. Note down their physical attributes, personality traits, backgrounds, quirks, and motivations. Doing this will help you create well-rounded, believable characters. Similarly, outline your story, jotting down the major plot points and twists. This will serve as your roadmap as you navigate the process of writing your novel.

4. Observations and Overheard Conversations

Your environment is ripe with inspiration. Take note of interesting sights, sounds, and experiences. Overheard a fascinating conversation at the coffee shop? Write it down. Noticed a unique building that could serve as the perfect setting for a scene in your novel? Note it. These real-life observations can add authenticity to your writing.

5. Reflective Notes

Reflective notes are personal reactions and thoughts about your writing process. If you're facing a writer's block or if you're unsure about a character's development, jot down your thoughts. This practice not only helps in problem-solving but also serves as a record of your writing journey.

6. Organize Your Notes

An unorganized pile of notes can be more confusing than helpful. Try to keep your notes organized. This could mean having separate sections for different characters or different parts of your plot. If you're using a digital tool, you can use tags or folders for organization.

Note-taking is an invaluable skill for any author. It captures your fleeting thoughts, provides a space for brainstorming, and helps you structure your novel. So, pick up that notebook and pen, or open that note-taking app, and start jotting down your ideas!


The Indie Author Method

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