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You Have The Time

How many times have you heard, or maybe even said, "I'd write more if only I had the time?" It's a classic, right? But what if I told you that we can all become time-bending wizards? Too far-fetched? Stick with me!

No, I'm not going to pitch you a time-turner from Harry Potter or a TARDIS from Doctor Who (although how cool would that be!). Today, we're going on a quest to unearth hidden pockets of time in your day. These are moments that, with a little creativity, can be transformed into productive writing sessions.

  1. Early Bird or Night Owl?: Are you chirpy when the rooster crows, or does your energy spike when the moon's high in the sky? Find out if you're an early bird or a night owl. Use these high-energy times to your advantage.

  2. Mini Writing Sprints: Got 15 minutes while your dinner’s in the oven or waiting for the kids to finish their homework? Don't scroll social media; do a quick writing sprint instead. You'll be amazed at how much you can accomplish in these short bursts!

  3. Lunch Break Prose: Yes, it's break time, but it can also be a fantastic opportunity to crank out a few hundred words while you munch on your sandwich.

  4. Tame the TV Time: We all love to unwind in front of the TV, but could you sacrifice one episode of your favorite show for some writing time? It might just be worth it.

  5. The Magic of Automation: We live in a time of apps and gadgets. Can you automate some tasks to carve out extra writing time? Maybe online grocery shopping or using a robo-vacuum to handle the cleaning.

  6. The Power of 'No': This might be the toughest one. Sometimes, we need to say 'no' to distractions or extra commitments that don't serve our writing goals. Remember, every 'no' to something else is a 'yes' to your writing.

Finding time to write isn't about upending your life or becoming a hermit. It's about making mindful decisions and optimizing your day. Remember, fellow scribes, every moment we carve out for our writing brings us one step closer to our author dreams. Time is not the enemy. It's the canvas on which we paint our stories.


The Indie Author Method

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