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Writing Lessons From 'Secret Window'

How are those drafts coming along? Today, I'm switching gears a little. Instead of discussing a famous author or a well-known book, I'm steering us towards the realm of cinema, specifically, the thriller Secret Window.

For those who haven't seen it, Secret Window is a psychological thriller featuring Johnny Depp as a troubled author, and it's based on a novella by— you guessed it—Stephen King. But don't worry, no spoilers ahead, just some literary lessons!

Lesson 1: The Struggles of Solitude

Secret Window sheds light on the isolation that often comes with the writing profession. We see Depp's character, Mort Rainey, wrestling with his thoughts in solitude, and it's not always pretty. It's a vivid reminder that while solitude can fuel creativity, it can also foster self-doubt and anxiety. The key is to strike a balance - to allow yourself to be alone with your words, but also to stay connected with the world around you.

Lesson 2: The Power of Real-Life Experiences

Rainey is navigating a painful divorce, and this real-life experience heavily influences his work. As writers, our experiences shape our perspectives and inform our stories. Don't shy away from using your personal experiences in your writing. Real life can provide the most authentic material.

Lesson 3: The Battle Against Plagiarism

A central plot point of Secret Window is an accusation of story theft. While Rainey's situation is extreme (and hopefully something we never encounter!), it serves as a reminder of the importance of originality in our work. As authors, we have a responsibility to give credit where it's due and to create unique content that reflects our own voice and vision.

Lesson 4: The Double-Edged Sword of Obsession

Rainey is obsessively committed to his craft. While this commitment helps him create, it also takes a toll on his mental health. This illustrates that while passion is crucial in writing, it's also important to step back, breathe, and live outside our literary worlds.

Secret Window may be a thriller, but it presents some valuable insights into the world of writing. It serves as a potent reminder that writing, like any art form, comes with its highs and lows. The key is to navigate these with grace, authenticity, and a healthy dose of perspective.


The Indie Author Method

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