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Wisdom From The Founding Fathers

Usually on Tuesdays, we share a practical writing tip, something that you can use in your own routine as your develop your writing voice and routine. Today is no ordinary Tuesday though. Today, let's turn to the wisdom of our founding fathers, many of whom were brilliant writers themselves, for inspiration.

George Washington once said, "Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages." This couldn't be truer for us writers. We all know that writing a novel is not a sprint; it's more like a marathon, one we must tackle word by word, sentence by sentence, chapter by chapter. Even when it's hard, remember Washington's words and persevere.

Consider Alexander Hamilton. He penned some of the most influential essays in our nation's history, the Federalist Papers. But did you know he often wrote under intense pressure, with many distractions and responsibilities vying for his time? His circumstances didn't stop him from pursuing his passion for writing. In his own words, "Men give me credit for some genius. All the genius I have is this: When I have a subject in mind, I study it profoundly. Day and night, it is before me." That’s the sort of perseverance we all should strive for.

Remember Thomas Jefferson, who said, "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." Success in writing doesn’t happen by luck or chance. It’s the result of hard work and relentless effort. Keep pushing forward with your writing, even on the tough days.

Thomas Paine, author of "Common Sense," emphasized the role of struggle in achieving success: "The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." Every challenging scene you write, every difficult character development you craft, every plot hole you manage to fill in will lead you to the glorious moment of holding your finished novel in your hands.

And finally, let's not forget Benjamin Franklin's wise words, "Energy and persistence conquer all things." In your writing journey, there will be highs and lows, but the key is to keep going.

Remember, the story in you is worth telling. When you feel like it’s too hard, take a deep breath, remember our Founding Fathers, and get back to writing. Their wisdom and perseverance guided them to achieve greatness. You, too, can do the same. Happy Independence Day.


The Indie Author Method

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