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Who's Keeping You From Starting?

I love the Scooby-Doo meme above, but it makes me reflect on my own procrastination as an author and creator because even I have a hard time sometimes of talking myself to get out of bed and get to work on my novel. While the tranquillity of early morning can provide an ideal atmosphere for creativity to flourish, finding the motivation to actually get out of bed at dawn can be a challenge.

So, how do you motivate yourself to rise and write? Here are some practical tips:

1. Visualize Your Goal: Why do you want to wake up early to write? Is it to finish your novel? To improve your craft? To find a quiet moment before the day begins? Whatever your reason, keep it firmly in your mind. Visualizing your goal each night before you sleep can motivate you to wake up early.

2. Start Small: If you're not a natural early bird, it might be unrealistic to aim for a 4 am start. Instead, wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual and use that time to write. Gradually adjust your wake-up time earlier as your body adapts.

3. Make Mornings Enjoyable: Create a morning ritual that you look forward to. It could be brewing a cup of your favorite tea or coffee, lighting a scented candle, or even sitting in a cozy corner. If you associate early mornings with positive experiences, you'll be more inclined to wake up.

4. Prepare the Night Before: Set out your writing tools—laptop, notebook, pen—so that you're all set to start writing as soon as you wake up. This not only saves time but also serves as a visual reminder of your morning writing goal.

5. Stay Consistent: The more regularly you wake up early to write, the easier it will become. Your body will adapt to this new schedule, and it will soon become a habit.

6. Celebrate Progress: Keep track of your morning writing sessions and celebrate your progress. Did you wake up early five days in a row? Did you hit your word count target? Celebrating these victories, no matter how small, can be a powerful motivator.

Remember, the purpose of waking up early to write isn't to put additional pressure on yourself. Instead, it's about creating a peaceful, undisturbed time to focus on your writing. So, make sure this routine serves your creative process and overall well-being.

As always, write on and remember – every word you write brings you one step closer to your author dreams.


The Indie Author Method

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