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Use THIS Strategy to Plot Your Novel

A lively Tuesday greeting to you all! Today, we're tuning into a different kind of beat, one that could revolutionize your storytelling: Gwen Hayes's Romancing the Beat.

Romancing the Beat is a popular writing structure specifically tailored for romance novels, but its principles can be applied to any story that centers around a relationship. This structure ensures your plot hits the right emotional notes at the right times, much like a well-composed song. So, let's strike a chord and delve into the fundamentals of this rhythmic approach:

  1. The Setup (20% of your story): This is where we meet our characters and establish their 'normal world.' Hayes divides this phase into four beats: the opening image, theme, setup, and the catalyst (an event that disrupts the characters' world).

  2. Falling in Love (30% of your story): In this section, your characters are thrown together and begin to form their relationship. The beats are the reaction (to the catalyst), the first turning point, the pinch (a moment of tension), and the midpoint.

  3. Retreating from Love (25% of your story): Here, the characters start to pull back from the relationship due to internal or external conflict. The beats are the mirror moment (characters reflect on their situation), the second pinch, the retreat (characters distance themselves), and the second turning point.

  4. The Ending (25% of your story): This is the climax and resolution of the story where the characters reunite. The beats are the climax, the finale, the closing image, and the epilogue.

The beauty of Romancing the Beat is its flexibility. You can adapt it to fit your story's unique rhythm and tempo, while ensuring your narrative flows smoothly and strikes the right emotional chords.

So, aspiring authors, are you ready to dance to a new rhythm in your storytelling? Try out Romancing the Beat for your next project and see how it can turn your plot points into a symphony of well-timed beats.

Remember, every story has its rhythm, and every author has their unique beat. Find yours, and let your words sing!


The Indie Author Method

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