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How to Show Up Every Day

After our enlightening discussion on Stephen King’s unique take on the muse yesterday, many of you reached out wanting to delve deeper into the practical side of things: how do we show up every day? Crafting a writing routine isn’t about chaining ourselves to desks, but creating a harmonious rhythm between our muse and our commitment. Today, let’s explore the blueprint for building a routine that beckons inspiration and sustains momentum.

1. Define Your Prime Time: Not all hours are created equal. Some of us (like me) pen our best prose at the break of dawn, while others thrive under the cover of midnight. Experiment and identify when you're most alert, creative, and free from interruptions. This will be your dedicated writing window.

2. Create A Sacred Space: Your environment can either enhance or hinder your flow. Find a spot that is free from distractions, and make it your writing haven. Over time, just being in this space will signal your brain that it's time to write.

3. Set Achievable Goals: While “write a novel” is a noble aspiration, it's also daunting. Break it down into smaller, daily targets. This could be a word count (500 words a day), a time limit (write for 30 minutes), or completing sections (finish one chapter).

4. Warm-Up Rituals: Athletes stretch before the main event, so why shouldn’t writers? Start with a five-minute free-write, listen to a song that resonates with your story’s mood, or read a page from your favorite book. These rituals act as a bridge between the mundane and the creative.

5. Embrace The “Non-Writing” Days: Yes, consistency is crucial. But there will be days when the words just won’t flow. On these days, read, edit, research, or simply visualize your story. This still contributes to your project's progress.

6. Accountability Mechanisms: Share your goals with a friend, join a writers’ group, or simply mark your achievements on a calendar. Knowing someone (or something) is keeping track can give that extra nudge on lazier days.

7. Stay Fueled: Your brain is working overtime, so keep it fueled. Stay hydrated, snack on brain-boosting foods like nuts or blueberries, and don't forget to take short breaks to stretch and refresh.

8. Celebrate Small Wins: Finished a tough chapter? Reached your word count three days in a row? Celebrate! These milestones, however small, are steps toward your bigger goal.

9. Be Flexible: While routines are essential, rigidity can be stifling. If you find yourself inspired outside of your designated writing time, go with the flow. Similarly, if a routine isn't working, it's okay to pivot and adjust.

10. Remember Your 'Why': On days when the muse is elusive and motivation wanes, remind yourself why you started writing in the first place. This can reignite your passion and purpose.

As Stephen King and countless other successful authors have demonstrated, showing up is half the battle. A routine, tailored to your unique rhythms and needs, can be the vehicle that ensures you show up, day after day, ready to meet your muse.


The Indie Author Method

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