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The Three P's of Writing

Ah, Friday—a day of sweet relief for the average Joe, but for us writers? Another day to contend with the 'Three P’s' of our craft: Pain, Procrastination, and... hold for it... Pure Joy! Welcome back to The Indie Author Method, where today, we dive into the comical trenches of the writing process.

Pain: Tears, Sweat, and... Inky Fingers? Ever had that moment when you’re typing feverishly, riding the high of inspiration, and suddenly—bam!—you hit a wall? You re-read that last line and wonder, "Was I trying to channel Shakespeare or just hungry?" And yes, it's okay to admit that you've cried over a particularly rebellious chapter. (Secret: We all have.)

Procrastination: Because Tomorrow Sounds Lovely Ah, the ancient art of putting off writing. Here's how it usually goes:

  1. Sit down to write.

  2. Suddenly feel the urge to vacuum... the neighborhood.

  3. Google "how many ants live in an anthill" because, you know, it might be crucial to chapter 14.

  4. End up watching videos on how to speak Elvish. For reasons.

Pure Joy: Because There’s a Silver Lining After all the crying, the distractions, and yes, even those moments where you've considered trading your laptop for a lifetime supply of chocolate, there's that magical moment. The scene that makes you laugh. The line that makes you think, "Did I write that? Genius!" And the knowledge that you've created something out of nothing.

A Friendly Reminder: Writing is like assembling an IKEA bookshelf. It's complicated. The instructions (if there are any) are often baffling. You might have a meltdown in the middle. But once it's all put together? Oh, the satisfaction!

Remember, every tear, every chuckle, every inexplicable 3-hour YouTube deep dive—it’s all part of the beautiful chaos of crafting stories. And at the heart of it? A passion that makes every challenging moment absolutely worth it.

So, here’s to us—the brave souls who string words together, hoping to touch hearts, tickle funny bones, or just make sense of the madness inside our heads.

Write on, have a good cry if you need, but never forget: the world needs your stories (even if they're occasionally fueled by tears and random internet searches).


The Indie Author Method

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