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The Milestones Are Worth Celebrating

Within the mosaic of our writing journey, some tiles shine brighter than others. These are our milestones—the moments when our sweat, tears, and relentless keyboard clacking crystallize into tangible triumphs. Today we're discussing the pivotal practice of recognizing and rejoicing in our achievements, both big and small.

Why Celebrate Milestones?

  1. Fuel for the Future: Every celebration recharges our author batteries, reminding us of our capabilities and readying us for future challenges.

  2. Acknowledging Effort: While the outside world sees our successes, only we know of the countless hours behind them. Celebrations are nods to our dedication.

  3. Memory Markers: By celebrating, we're consciously bookmarking a high point in our journey, making it easier to recall during tougher times.

  4. Cultivating Gratitude: Recognizing our accomplishments deepens our appreciation for the journey, the support we’ve received, and our own resilience.

Ways to Celebrate:

  1. Personal Rituals: Maybe it’s a special drink, a favorite dessert, or a day off—something personal that marks the achievement.

  2. Sharing with Supporters: Tell your readers, friends, or writing group. Their shared joy can amplify your own.

  3. Physical Mementos: Consider buying a trinket or keepsake that symbolizes the achievement—a visual reminder of your journey.

  4. Reflection & Relaxation: Take a day to revel in your success. Reflect on your journey, indulge in self-care, or just take a well-deserved nap!

  5. Pay it Forward: Celebrate by helping another writer. Share your insights, offer feedback, or simply encourage someone who’s where you once were.

My Recent Milestone:

When The Bram Stoker Society hit its halfway mark, I took a weekend getaway, allowing myself to bask in the achievement while surrounded by nature. It was a dual celebration of my progress and a rejuvenating retreat to fuel the journey ahead.

Activity: Take a moment to list your last three writerly milestones, no matter how minor. Did you celebrate them? If not, it's never too late! Plan a mini-celebration for each, and savor the joy they brought into your life.

Every chapter penned, every plot knot untangled, and every character fleshed out is a triumph. As writers, our journey is long, often solitary, and filled with challenges. Thus, pausing to celebrate our milestones isn’t just warranted—it’s essential. It anchors us in the moment, making the odyssey more joyous and meaningful.


The Indie Author Method

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