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The Habits of Successful Authors

It's Thursday, and all week, I have been ruminating on routine and habit. In today's edition of The Indie Author Method, we're journeying through the structured world of famous authors. Their rigorous daily routines have contributed to their incredible success. As we dissect these routines, let's also explore how you, as an aspiring author, can integrate some of these habits into your writing life.

1. Haruki Murakami: Early Bird Gets the Word

  • Routine: Murakami wakes up at 4 am, writes for 5-6 hours, and then runs or swims. Bedtime? 9 pm.

  • For You: While not everyone is a morning person, find a consistent time each day dedicated solely to writing, free from distractions. If possible, accompany it with some form of exercise, as it rejuvenates the mind.

2. Maya Angelou: Hotel Writing Escape

  • Routine: Angelou rented a hotel room where she'd write from 6:30 am until 2 pm. She asked the staff to remove any decorations, creating a minimalistic environment to focus.

  • For You: Dedicate a specific, clutter-free space for writing in your home. This 'writing sanctuary' will mentally prepare you to write whenever you enter.

3. Ernest Hemingway: Stop Mid-Sentence

  • Routine: Hemingway had a unique practice of always stopping mid-sentence at the end of his writing day, ensuring he knew where to start the next.

  • For You: At the end of your writing session, jot down notes or leave a sentence incomplete. It provides direction for your next session and makes diving back in less intimidating.

4. Jane Austen: Family & Scribbles

  • Routine: Austen balanced her family responsibilities and writing. She wrote in the family living room, pausing to attend to household tasks.

  • For You: Embrace interruptions; they're part of life. But also find ways to return to your writing swiftly. Even in small chunks, consistency is the key.

5. Stephen King: Word Count Goals

  • Routine: King has a daily target of 2,000 words. He starts in the morning and continues until he meets his goal.

  • For You: Set daily or weekly word count goals. It provides direction, keeps you motivated, and ensures progress.

A Common Thread: Discipline & Consistency

While each of these authors had unique habits, two principles remained consistent: discipline and a regular writing routine. Inspiration is sporadic, but habits will keep you anchored.

Your Challenge

Pick one of the routines mentioned above and test it out for a week. Observe how it influences your productivity and mindset. Remember, these routines are not one-size-fits-all. Adjust them to your lifestyle and see what works best for you.

Until next time, may your words flow effortlessly and your stories captivate hearts.


The Indie Author Method

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