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The Four Habits of Successful Authors

As aspiring writers, it can be daunting to know that 97% of people who start a novel fail to finish it. We all want to know what habits successful authors have in common, what makes them part of the 3% who complete their book. Today, we'll explore four habits that successful authors share, along with insights and quotes from three prolific writers: Stephen King, Suzanne Collins, and John Green.

  1. Writing consistently: Stephen King, one of the most successful authors of our time, emphasizes the importance of consistent writing. He famously said, "Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work." Whether it's a few hundred words or a few thousand, creating a routine and sticking to it separates the accomplished author from the rest.

  2. Reading widely: Successful authors are also avid readers. Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games says, "Reading is important. If you're going to be a writer, you have to be a reader first." This is something I have always said to aspiring authors as well: if you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time to write. Because in order to write a lot, you have to read a lot. There are no shortcuts, no way around it. Writers, plain and simple, are readers.

  3. Receiving feedback: Successful authors understand the importance of feedback. Stephen King again offers value feedback on this subject: "To write is human; to edit is divine." He discusses in his book On Writing his process of having his wife Tabitha read his books and offer her suggestions. Having that input from people that we trust can help us see our stories in a different light, or see plot points that we may not have by ourselves. At that point, being an author and a storyteller becomes a collaborative experience.

  4. Persevering through rejection: Finally, successful authors understand that rejection is part of the process. John Green, author of The Fault in Our Stars, emphasizes the importance of perseverance: "Writing is like a long distance run, and you have to have stamina to get to the end." That end can include terrible reviews, but we must remember that even finishing a novel is something that 97% of people don't complete!

The habits of successful authors can show us and teach us what to implement in our own process as we learn the craft of writing. I hope you take these into consideration as you create your writing routine.


The Indie Author Method

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