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Success Depends On...

Ah, NaNoWriMo – a month of literary marathons, where dreams turn into manuscripts. But like every marathon, success depends on a solid preparation strategy. As I geared up for THE BRAM STOKER SOCIETY (launching October 2024, mark those calendars! 🗓️), I leaned on a precise checklist to guide me. Today I’m sharing that very list to set you on a confident course.

The Ultimate NaNoWriMo Prep Checklist:

  1. Plot Outline: Flesh out your story's beginning, middle, and end. Understand the major plot points, even if you like to let the story evolve organically.

  2. Character Profiles: From physical attributes to quirks and histories, jot down everything about your central characters.

  3. Setting Sketches: Create vivid depictions of your story’s settings, making note of sensory details – sights, sounds, scents.

  4. Daily Word Count Goals: While the general goal is 1,667 words a day to achieve the 50,000-word mark, personalizing this can make the task less daunting.

  5. Backup & Save Systems: Ensure you have reliable methods to save your work – be it cloud storage, external drives, or both.

  6. Writing Tools: Stock up on writing essentials – whether it's software like Plottr, or traditional notebooks and pens. (I've linked some of my favorites)

  7. Inspiration Cache: A collection of inspiring quotes, books, or images related to your novel theme. For me, it was all things Gothic and eerie!

  8. Research Notes: Keep your research organized and easily accessible. Understand the key facts that drive your narrative.

  9. Writing Playlist: Music that complements your story’s mood can act as a catalyst for creativity. While writing The Bram Stoker Society, I leaned heavily on music from The Midnight and Power Glove.

  10. Scheduled Breaks: Plan short, regular breaks during writing to recharge and refocus.

  11. Support Network: Connect with fellow NaNoWriMo participants. Share progress, challenges, and cheer each other on.

  12. Self-Care Essentials: This marathon requires stamina. Stock up on your favorite teas, snacks, and anything that helps you relax and rejuvenate.

Activity: Draft your own checklist, personalized to your writing preferences and your novel’s unique needs. Keep it handy as we approach November.

A well-prepared writer is a formidable force. With NaNoWriMo fast approaching, a structured checklist can be your compass in the captivating chaos of creation. As I navigated the world of The Bram Stoker Society, this list was my lighthouse, guiding me safely to my novel's shores. May it illuminate your path too!

Write with readiness, chart your course with clarity, and let each item ticked off be a step closer to your magnum opus.

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