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So What If You Need Help?

The summer breeze has swept in, stirring the ink on our pages, and as we step into another week of authorship, I thought we'd start by talking about a phrase that's been reverberating in my mind lately. I like starting our week with a philosophical meditation, something that we can use to power through the week. This one comes from Marcus Aurelius: "Don't be ashamed of needing help. You have a duty to fulfill just like a soldier on the wall of battle."

Now you might be thinking, "Wait a minute, I thought I signed up for writing advice, not military strategy!" But stick with me for a moment.

Writing, like any other journey, isn't meant to be embarked on alone. It's a collaborative, multifaceted process that requires the expertise and assistance of others.

Every time we put pen to paper, fingers to keys, we're stepping onto our own battlefield. We're soldiers, our stories are our weapons, and our readers, the territory we aim to conquer. And just like any soldier, we can't fight every battle on our own.

"But," again you protest, "I'm an indie author! I've chosen the path of self-publishing to have control over my work, to create my own rules!" And you're absolutely right. But remember, even the most independent warrior sometimes needs a blacksmith to forge their weapons, a scout to map the terrain, or a bard to sing their stories. In our case, those might take the form of beta readers, editors, cover designers, or marketers.

Don't be ashamed to ask for help, whether it's seeking constructive criticism on your latest draft, advice on self-promotion, or guidance on designing a compelling book cover. Remember, needing help isn't a sign of weakness; it's a sign of wisdom, recognizing the value of different perspectives and expertise.

Our duty as authors, like soldiers, is to deliver the best we can to our readers. It's to brave the battlefield of storytelling and to come out the other side triumphant, with a book that we're proud of. And if that means asking for a helping hand or two along the way, then so be it.

So, as we head into another week, I urge you to consider who your allies might be on this literary journey. Who can you lean on for advice, support, or expertise? You'll find that the process of writing isn't just about creating a masterpiece—it's about growing as an author and as an individual.

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