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Robert Greene's Take On Routine

There are many authors who have spoken about the wisdom of creating habits out of your writing routine, about how waiting for the muse is less important than simply sticking to your schedule. Robert Greene, the mastermind behind The 48 Laws of Power, spoke about this in a recent YouTube video, and shared an enlightening perspective that every aspiring author should heed.

We've all been there - waiting for the muse to strike, believing that once inspiration flows, our masterpiece will follow. But Greene emphasizes a truth many seasoned writers know: daily routines and habits often outweigh sporadic bursts of inspiration.

Why Routines Reign Supreme

  1. Consistency is Key: While inspiration is fleeting and unpredictable, habits are stable. They ensure that we show up at the writing desk day in and day out, allowing us to make steady progress.

  2. Cultivating Discipline: Routine fosters discipline. And it's discipline, not motivation, that will see you through the challenging times, the writer's block, and the daunting middle of your manuscript.

  3. Inviting Inspiration: Ironically, by sticking to a routine, you create a conducive environment for inspiration. When your mind knows it's writing time, it gears up, making those moments of pure creativity more likely.

Greene's Golden Nuggets

  • Embrace the Mundane: Greene suggests that there's a certain beauty in the mundane act of writing daily. It grounds us and keeps us connected to our craft.

  • Quality over Quantity: It's not about writing 10,000 words in a day. Sometimes, it's about writing 200 of the right words. Routine ensures that you're consistently present, giving your best effort.

  • The Power of Subconscious: Often, when we're away from our desks, our minds continue to churn ideas. Regular writing conditions the subconscious to work on your story even when you're not actively thinking about it.

Your Weekly Challenge

In the spirit of Greene's insights, set aside a specific time for writing every day this week. It doesn't have to be long—just consistent. See how this practice impacts your writing flow and overall progress.

To wrap it up, let's remember that while inspiration is a beautiful, serendipitous gift, it's our daily habits that truly shape our journey as authors. So, here's to the power of routine and the incredible stories it helps us weave.

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