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Overcoming Obstacles

Here's to another beautiful Monday, teeming with the potential of new words, new chapters, and new stories! As we're setting off on our week's literary journey, let's gain some inspiration from a voice of ancient wisdom: Epictetus.

Epictetus, a Greek Stoic philosopher, was no stranger to obstacles. He was born a slave and faced countless hardships. But his insights on overcoming obstacles are just as powerful today as they were centuries ago. He once said, "The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests."

Let's break this down and see how we can apply it to our writing routines:

  1. Welcome the Challenges: According to Epictetus, difficulties aren't something to be feared; they're opportunities for growth and glory. Rejections, writer's block, harsh critique - they're all just part of the journey. Embrace them as stepping stones on your path to becoming a better writer.

  2. Storms Make Skilled Pilots: Just as pilots become more skilled by navigating storms, we writers grow stronger when we face and overcome challenges. The difficult days of struggling with a plot point or refining a character will eventually lead to a story that shines.

  3. Control What You Can: A cornerstone of Epictetus's philosophy is focusing on what's within our control. Can't control a rejection? No problem. You can control your reaction to it, learn from it, and improve your craft for the next submission.

  4. Patience and Persistence: Epictetus emphasized the importance of patience and staying the course despite obstacles. As writers, persistence is key. So keep writing, keep submitting, keep revising, and never give up.

So, let's kick off this Monday by embracing our obstacles, learning from them, and using them to enhance our writing. Let's remember the wise words of Epictetus and find glory in overcoming our writing challenges.


The Indie Author Method

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