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Octavia Butler's Wise Words on Inspiration

Yesterday we shared ten quotes from ten authors on their writing habit and inspiration. Today, I wanted to expound on one of those:

"Forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable. Habit will sustain you whether you’re inspired or not." - Octavia Butler

In an ever-changing world, where distractions are but a click away and the muse might sometimes feel like a fickle friend, Butler reminds us of the true cornerstone of a writer's journey: habit.

  1. Consistency Creates: By showing up every day, or as regularly as we can, we train our brain to switch into 'writing mode'. Over time, this cultivated habit becomes our most loyal ally, bringing forth creativity even on days when inspiration seems scarce.

  2. Momentum Builds: The act of writing consistently, even if it's just a few hundred words, creates momentum. As with pushing a boulder, the initial effort might be immense, but once it starts rolling, every subsequent push becomes easier.

  3. Crafting Over Waiting: Relying solely on inspiration means waiting for it to strike. Habit, on the other hand, puts you in the driver's seat. Instead of waiting, you're actively honing your craft, becoming better with each written word.

  4. Professionalism in Practice: In most professions, we can't wait for inspiration; we act based on training, experience, and routine. Treating writing with the same level of professionalism transforms it from a mere hobby to a true vocation.

  1. Start Small: If you're not in the routine of writing daily, begin with just 10 minutes or a few paragraphs. As this becomes second nature, gradually increase your time or word count.

  2. Set a Schedule: Choose a specific time of day to write. Over time, this trains your mind to anticipate and prepare for the act of writing.

  3. Create a Workspace: Much like our discussion about a muse-friendly space, having a dedicated writing spot can act as a tangible trigger for your writing habit.

  4. Track and Reward: Monitor your progress. Celebrate milestones, no matter how small. This reinforces the positive effects of your newly-formed habit.

Butler's powerful words remind us that while the winds of inspiration are unpredictable, the anchor of habit holds us steady, guiding us towards our literary goals. Let us embrace this wisdom and let the power of habit propel our stories forward.

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