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Now That You're Up, Do This

Now that you're up and that you've started your day, I want to share a wonderful practice that has the potential to transform your writing process and bolster your creativity. It's called 'Morning Pages Journaling.' It's something I do every morning to jumpstart my brain (along with, of course, copious amounts of coffee).

You may be wondering, what exactly are "Morning Pages"? Well, it's a simple, yet powerful concept that was first introduced by Julia Cameron in her book The Artist's Way. The idea is to write three pages of stream-of-consciousness writing first thing in the morning. Don't worry about grammar, punctuation, or whether it even makes sense - just write.

Here's why Morning Pages can be a game changer for your creative writing:

1. Clearing Your Mind: Morning Pages serve as a form of meditation. They allow you to purge your mind of all the clutter that's accumulated, which can often hinder your creativity. It's like a 'brain dump' of sorts, allowing you to start your day with a fresh, clear mind.

2. Unblocking Creativity: By writing without judgment, you allow your subconscious mind to express itself freely. Over time, you'll find that this practice can help in overcoming writer's block, and can even lead to surprising insights and bursts of creativity.

3. Cultivating Discipline: Consistency is key to developing any skill, and writing is no different. The habit of writing every morning fosters discipline, an essential trait for any aspiring author. It trains you to show up, day after day, regardless of whether you feel inspired or not.

How to Get Started:

Step 1: As soon as you wake up, grab your journal and start writing. It doesn't matter what you write, just let the words flow.

Step 2: Aim to fill three pages. If this feels too daunting at first, start with one page and gradually increase.

Step 3: Do not edit or critique your writing. This is not the time for perfection, but for unfiltered expression.

Step 4: Make it a daily habit. Try to stick to it for at least a month. The consistency will pay off, trust me.

Remember, the goal isn't to create a literary masterpiece during this morning ritual, but rather to clear your mental pathways and make room for creativity to thrive.

Give Morning Pages Journaling a try and see how it impacts your writing and overall creativity. It might feel a little awkward at first, but stick with it and let the magic unfold.


The Indie Author Method

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