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Light Your Path With THIS

In the grand tapestry of storytelling, every author has their unique method of weaving. As the chill of October gives way to the frenetic energy of NaNoWriMo, outlining becomes the quiet hum in every writer's ear. Do you often find yourself staring at a blank page, wishing you had a guiding path? Today, we're unpacking the art of the pre-NaNoWriMo outline, a beacon in the novel-writing storm.

Drafting Your Pre-NaNoWriMo Outline: A Guide for the Adventurous Soul

Foundation First: The outline begins with the core of your story. This isn't just about plot but also about the emotions, themes, and core conflicts your characters will face. It's your novel's heart and soul.

Scene Breakdown: Beyond the foundation, think of your story in terms of scenes. What are the key moments that push your story forward? Outlining these ensures you have a trajectory to follow.

Flexibility Factor: Your outline isn't set in stone. It’s a living, breathing entity. Allow it to evolve as your story does. If your characters decide to go off on an unexpected adventure, that's okay. Your outline is there as a guide, not a warden.

The Ending: Knowing your story's conclusion can be a massive boon. It’s like having a lighthouse in the distance, ensuring you're headed in the right direction, even if you take a few detours.

Tool Tip: Scrivener is an excellent tool for those who like digital outlines, allowing for rearranging, tagging, and more. For those who prefer old-school methods, index cards on a corkboard or even a trusty notebook can do wonders.

Activity: Set aside an hour this week. Start with your story's beginning and end. Fill in some pivotal scenes that come in between. Don't overthink; let the ideas flow. This initial draft of your outline can be refined as November nears.

The pre-NaNoWriMo outline is about preparation, but it's also about understanding your story better. Whether you’re a seasoned outliner or this is your maiden voyage, the process will give you insights, clarity, and a roadmap for the wild month ahead. Remember, the journey of 50,000 words begins with a single scene.


The Indie Author Method

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