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Lessons From A Revered Master

Yesterday we discussed Ernest Hemingway and his writing routine. Today, I want to spotlight the routine of a revered master of satirical and thought-provoking literature, Kurt Vonnegut. Vonnegut, author of classics like Slaughterhouse-Five and Cat's Cradle, had a distinctive and disciplined approach to his writing.

So, what can we learn from Vonnegut's routine? How can we emulate and incorporate some of his habits into our own writing lives?

1. Start Early: Vonnegut was a morning person. He would wake up at 5:30 a.m. and start his day with writing. If you can, try to carve out your writing time in the early morning when the world is quiet, and your mind is fresh.

2. Have a Writing Goal: Vonnegut aimed to write for a couple of hours each day. Set a realistic writing goal for yourself, whether it's based on time spent writing or word count. And then, most importantly, stick to it.

3. Sweat it Out: Vonnegut was a firm believer in the benefits of physical exercise to recharge and refocus. He would go for a swim after his writing session. If possible, include a form of exercise in your routine. Physical activity is not just good for your body but also helps refresh your mind.

4. Prioritize Your Writing: Vonnegut used to say, "I do pushups and sit-ups all the time, and I feel as though I am getting lean and sinewy, but maybe not." The point being, he prioritized his writing. Treat your writing as an integral part of your day, not just something you do when you find spare time.

5. Let Your Work Rest: Vonnegut would often let his work 'cool off' before revising it. After you've finished a piece, step back from it for a while. When you return to it, you'll be able to see it with fresh eyes and spot areas for improvement.

6. Maintain a Balanced Routine: Despite his dedication to writing, Vonnegut understood the importance of a balanced day. He allocated time for work, exercise, leisure, and family. Ensure you're maintaining a healthy balance in your daily routine.

Whether or not you're a morning person like Vonnegut, or you're more creative in the late hours of the night, the essence of these lessons lies in discipline, consistency, and respect for your craft. Remember, it's less about copying Vonnegut's routine and more about discovering what brings out your best and most consistent writing.

Experiment with these insights and find out which ones align with your writing rhythm. May your words flow effortlessly onto the page!


The Indie Author Method

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