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Jodi Picoult's Magical Writing System

Yesterday, we dissected some writing gems from Jodi Picoult's Nineteen Minutes. Have you ever wondered how Jodi managed to produce over twenty novels while raising three children? It's a superhuman feat, isn't it? Well, not quite. The secret lies in her approach to finding time to write.

In interviews, Jodi has often said, "You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page." Let's decode this gem:

Every Moment Counts: Jodi believes in writing whenever and wherever possible. Waiting in the car line at school? Jot down some notes. Have a spare 15 minutes before dinner's ready? Draft that dialogue you've been mulling over. Remember, the small pockets of time you find throughout the day can accumulate into a sea of words.

Writing > Perfection: Jodi emphasizes the importance of getting words on the page, even if they aren't perfect. A bad page can be edited, improved, made beautiful. But a blank page? There's nothing to work with there. So, keep writing. You can always come back to polish it later.

Creativity Loves Company: For Jodi, writing isn't a solitary activity. She’s often spoken about writing in the middle of family life, amid the hustle and bustle. Could a busy café or a noisy household spark your creativity too? Only one way to find out!

Consistency is Key: Above all, Jodi advocates consistency. Carve out time every day for writing, whether it's 5 minutes or 5 hours. Regularity not only improves your craft but also makes writing a habit, rather than a chore.

So, let's take a page out of Jodi's book. If she could find time to craft mesmerizing stories while juggling motherhood and everything else life threw at her, so can we. Let’s use our time wisely and remember that every word written is a step closer to our author dreams.


The Indie Author Method

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