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It's Not Always Serious

This week, we've looked at some pretty heavy historical events (9/11, JFK assassination, 1906 San Francisco earthquake) but let's lighten the mood a bit as we head into the weekend. From satirical spins on real-life events to comedic takes on historical figures, many novelists have proven that the past can be a hoot! Today, we're serving up some laughs with a few authors who have truly tickled the funny bone of history.

Terry Pratchett's Discworld Series: The inimitable Terry Pratchett had a knack for turning history on its head. His Discworld novel, Jingo, sees Ankh-Morpork and Klatch on the brink of war over a suddenly appearing island. Sound familiar? That's because it's a hilarious send-up of the Falklands War, with Discworld's own Sir Samuel Vimes trying to prevent the conflict. Just imagine a bumbling Duke trying to mount a sea invasion with rusted swords and leaky boats. History was never so funny!

Christopher Moore's Lamb: Ever wondered about Jesus Christ's missing years? Christopher Moore did, and his irreverent novel Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal fills in the gaps in a way the Bible never did. With kung-fu, wise-cracking angels, and even a love interest, this novel will make you reconsider everything you thought you knew about the Messiah's teenage years!

Bill Bryson's One Summer: America, 1927: Not quite a novel but too good to leave out. Bryson's non-fiction book on the summer of 1927 in America is filled with enough eccentric real-life characters and bizarre events to rival any fiction. From Charles Lindbergh's historic flight across the Atlantic to Babe Ruth's record-breaking baseball season, Bryson serves up the laughs as he shows just how strange and hilarious history can be.

Remember, history doesn't always have to be serious. Sometimes, the best way to explore the past is with a chuckle (or a full-blown guffaw). So as you sit down to write, don't be afraid to find the fun in history. After all, the past is just what we make of it, and why not make it hilarious?


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