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Emily Henry's Daily Routine

Almost to the weekend and what better way to prepare than to soak up some writerly wisdom? Today, we're peeking behind the curtain of romance maestro, Emily Henry's writing routine!

I recently stumbled upon an article on Zoella, where Emily shared a snapshot of her day-to-day life, and it’s full of insights for us aspiring wordsmiths. Though she describes it as uninteresting, I think it's important to see a real look into the routines of other writers—you'll often find they're nowhere near as exquisite as you'd expect. Let's unpack some of Emily's daily habits and see how we can incorporate them into our routines:

  1. Setting the Tone: Emily likes to start her day slowly, soaking in the tranquility of the morning. Now, we're not all morning people, but finding that peaceful moment in our day can be a great way to clear our minds for creativity.

  2. Fueling Up: Emily is big on breakfast, and we should be too! Taking care of our bodies is as crucial as taking care of our minds. Plus, writing on an empty stomach is never fun.

  3. Finding Your Groove: Emily doesn’t write every day, but when she does, she’s all in. She’s a fan of the Pomodoro technique, writing for 25 minutes, then taking a 5-minute break. Everyone’s writing rhythm is different, but this could be a fun method to try out.

  4. Be Adaptable: Depending on her schedule, Emily either writes in the morning or late into the night. So don't be afraid to shake up your writing schedule. You might just find a new time slot that works wonders for your productivity.

  5. Winding Down: Emily believes in the importance of unwinding and taking time for herself, like watching her favorite TV shows. Remember, all work and no play isn't good for anyone. So, don't forget to kick back and relax every now and then.

So, let's take a leaf out of Emily Henry's book: Start your day calmly, feed your body and your mind, find your writing rhythm, be flexible with your schedule, and always make time for relaxation.

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