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Editing Day 5: Finding Your Voice

Updated: Sep 7, 2023

Hello voices of the written word,

We are continuing our editing saga and today our focus is on mastering "voice". Let's tune in!

"A writer's voice is not character alone, it is not style alone; it is far more. A writer's voice line the stroke of an artist's brush- is the thumbprint of her whole person- her idea, wit, humor, passions, rhythms." —Patricia Lee Gauch

Finding Your Voice Your voice is what makes your writing uniquely yours. Is it consistent throughout the story? Does it resonate with your characters and settings?

Character Voices Ensure each character has a distinct voice. A teenager won't talk like a middle-aged professor, right? Make sure their dialogues reflect their age, background, and personality.

Show Your Style Your voice is also reflected in your narrative style. Formal or casual? Poetic or straight-forward? Choose what best fits your story and audience.

That's a wrap for Day 5. Tomorrow, we're dissecting theme and symbolism. Until then, let your voices ring clear and true!

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