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Don't wait for this.

As a writer, have you ever found yourself waiting for the perfect moment to sit down and write? Maybe you wait for the right inspiration, the right mood, or the right amount of free time. But the truth is, waiting for ideal conditions can be a major roadblock to your writing progress.

E.B. White, one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century, once said: "A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper." This quote reminds us that waiting for perfection is not a viable strategy for getting our writing done. Instead, we need to accept that there will never be a perfect time to write and just start writing.

It's easy to get caught up in the idea that we need the right conditions to create something truly great. But the reality is that great writing often comes from a willingness to work through imperfection. In fact, the process of writing itself can be messy and imperfect, and that's okay.

When we allow ourselves to write without the pressure of perfection, we can tap into our creativity and produce work that surprises even us. We can experiment with new ideas, take risks, and explore different writing styles. We may make mistakes along the way, but those mistakes can lead to breakthroughs that we never would have found if we waited for the "perfect" conditions.

So, if you find yourself waiting for the perfect moment to write, take E.B. White's advice and just start writing. Don't worry about whether it's good or not, just focus on getting your thoughts down on paper. Remember that the act of writing is what matters most, not the conditions under which you do it.


The Indie Author Method

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