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Do THIS to hook your readers

You know what it's like to have a book grab you from the very first page. There's just something incredible when a writer's prose or storytelling skills have that affect on you. It's like you can't turn the pages fast enough.

That is why the first page of your story is crucial. It's the first impression that you make on your readers, and it can make or break their interest in your story. What are some strategies for writing killer openings that will hook your readers from page one?

  1. Start with a strong hook: Your first sentence should be compelling, attention-grabbing, and make readers want to know more. Think of the opening to Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl. We're immediately introduced to a man whose wife is missing.

  2. Introduce your main character and their goal: Give readers a sense of who your main character is and what they want. This will help them identify and connect with your main character.

  3. Establish your setting and tone: Give readers a sense of where your story takes place and what kind of story it is. This will help them to get a feel for the story and to be pulled in.

  4. Create a sense of urgency: Make readers feel like they need to keep reading to find out what happens next.

  5. Use sensory details: Use descriptive language to immerse readers in your story and to make them feel like they're right there in the action. Again, with Gone Girl's opening lines: ""When I think of my wife, I always think of her head." That line has so many connotations and invites the reader to keep going, to unfurl the mystery at hand.

  6. Show, don't tell: Instead of telling readers what's happening, show them by using action and dialogue. Don't tell your readers that your protagonist is in trouble; show the rising heart rate, the sweat dripping down their brow, the sense of urgency. This makes it much more exciting!

By following these tips, you can write openings that will hook your readers and make them eager to keep reading.


The Indie Author Method

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1 Comment
May 10, 2023

Andrew, you definitely helped me with this on my most recent book. Moving some things around and putting the hook at the beginning has made a world of difference. Thank you!

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