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Create THIS to make your novel shine

Creating emotionally compelling characters is one of the most critical aspects of writing a successful novel. Readers want to connect with the characters on a personal level and feel invested in their journey. But how do you create characters that are truly emotionally engaging?

  1. Create a backstory: "When writing a novel a writer should create living people; people not characters. A character is a caricature." That's Ernest Hemingway on creating characters. Being "living people," one of the most important things you can do to create emotionally compelling characters is to give them a backstory. This backstory should be unique to your character and help explain why they are the way they are. It should be something that the reader can relate to and empathize with. When you create a backstory for your character, it will help you understand them better and make it easier for you to write their emotions authentically.

  2. Show their vulnerabilities Another way to make your characters emotionally compelling is to show their vulnerabilities. Nobody is perfect, and your characters should reflect that. They should have flaws, weaknesses, and fears that make them relatable to the reader. By showing their vulnerabilities, you make them human, and the reader can connect with them on a deeper level. Stephen King said it best when he said, "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."

  3. Use their senses Another way to make your characters emotionally compelling is to use their senses. Describing what they see, hear, smell, taste, and feel can help the reader understand their emotions better. For example, if your character is feeling sad, describe the rain pouring outside or the gray clouds overhead. By using their senses, you can create a more vivid and emotionally charged experience for your readers.

  4. Create conflict Conflict is another critical component of emotionally compelling characters. It creates tension and keeps the reader engaged in the story. Conflict can come from external sources, such as a villain or a natural disaster, or from internal sources, such as a character's own desires or fears. By creating conflict, you can push your characters to their limits and create emotional moments that will stick with the reader long after they finish the book.

  5. Give them goals and motivation Finally, to create emotionally compelling characters, you need to give them goals and motivation. What do they want? What are they willing to do to get it? By giving your characters clear goals and motivation, you can create a sense of purpose that will drive the story forward. It also helps the reader understand what motivates your characters and makes them care about their journey.

As I said in the introduction, creating emotionally compelling characters is essential to writing a successful novel. By giving them a backstory, showing their vulnerabilities, using their senses, creating conflict, and giving them goals and motivation, you can create characters that will resonate with your readers on a personal level. Remember to take the time to develop your characters fully, and don't be afraid to revise and edit until you get it just right.


The Indie Author Method

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