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Create This For Success

Good morning. Today, we're here to discuss a topic that's close to the heart of every writer — establishing a writing routine. Many of you have asked, "How do I create a writing routine that works?" Let's dive in.

Step 1: Identify Your Peak Creativity Times

First, identify when you are most creative. Are you an early bird whose best ideas chirp with the dawn chorus? Or are you a night owl, finding your inspiration under the cloak of darkness? Everyone is different, so figure out when your creative juices flow best. For me personally, I choose to attack the day early in the morning. I wake up and my creative juices are flowing.

Step 2: Schedule Writing Time

Now, it's time to block out time in your schedule. This will be your dedicated writing time. Treat it with as much importance as any other appointment. Remember in our recent interview, Andrew van Wey says, "Treat it like any other job." If possible, try to commit to writing at the same time every day, which helps to train your brain to switch on its writing mode.

Step 3: Set Realistic Goals

Set daily, weekly, or monthly writing goals. These could be based on word count, pages, or time spent writing. Keep it achievable! Remember, the aim here is consistency over quantity. A daily goal of 200 words is better than an unattainable goal of 2000 words.

Step 4: Create a Writing Space

Find or create a space where you'll write. This should be a place where you feel comfortable and free from unnecessary distractions. It could be your kitchen table, your study, a coffee shop, or even a park bench. For me, it's the desk in the corner of my studio.

Step 5: Warm-Up Exercises

Just as athletes warm up before they exercise, consider a writing warm-up. This could be a quick free-writing session, a brief meditation, or reading a passage from your favorite book. The goal is to shift your mindset into writing mode.

Step 6: Write!

Now, get down to business. Start writing. Don't worry about editing or making it perfect. The first draft is supposed to be messy. The important thing is to get your ideas out of your head and onto the page.

Step 7: Celebrate Your Success

Every time you achieve your writing goal, celebrate! This could be a happy dance, a special treat, or a few moments of quiet reflection on your accomplishment.

Remember, every writer’s routine is unique. What works for Stephen King or J.K. Rowling might not work for you, and that's okay. Your writing routine should be a perfect fit for you and your lifestyle.Experiment with these steps, tweak them as needed, and before you know it, you'll have a routine that makes your writing soar.

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