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This is Key to Success

Hope your week is off to a sensational start filled with creativity and captivating plot twists! Today we are focusing on starting our week with a bit of wisdom from Marcus Aurelius.

For those who might not know, Marcus Aurelius was not just a Roman emperor; he was also a leading figure in Stoicism, a philosophy built around virtues like wisdom, courage, justice, and most importantly for us writers, discipline.

Marcus once said, "You have power over your mind—not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength." Now, let's unpack this powerhouse of a quote:

Power Over Your Mind: As writers, our biggest asset is our mind. It's where worlds are born, characters come to life, and plots thicken. Marcus encourages us to harness the power of our minds, to stay disciplined in our writing process, whether it's maintaining a daily word count or sticking to a writing schedule.

Focus on What You Can Control: Let's face it; writing is often a roller coaster ride. Rejections come, writer's block strikes, and sometimes, characters just won't cooperate. But Marcus advises us to focus on what we can control - our writing routine, our commitment to learning and improving, and our resolve to keep going despite the challenges.

Find Strength in Discipline: Discipline in your writing routine provides a sense of structure, something to anchor us amidst the chaos of creativity. It's the backbone that supports our writing aspirations. So whether your routine is waking up at 5 am to write or spending lunch breaks sketching out the next chapter, find strength in your discipline.

Ancient wisdom still very much relevant for us modern scribes. Next time you find yourself wrestling with distractions or getting blown off course, remember the words of Marcus Aurelius. Harness the power of your mind, focus on your writing routine, and find strength in discipline.

Remember, fellow writers, in the grand arena of words, it is discipline and routine that will help us be successful in our endeavors.

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