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It's Not Just The Setting

Updated: Oct 6, 2023

"World-building isn't just the setting. It's the very essence of the story, the character's culture, religion, the landscape's mood, and even the melody in the breeze." - Brandon Sanderson.

The magic of fiction, especially within the realms of fantasy and sci-fi, often lies in the vibrant, immersive worlds authors conjure. How can we, as writers, create settings that are not just backdrops, but dynamic entities integral to our stories? Today we'll unravel the art of world-building, guided by the wisdom of one of its modern masters, Brandon Sanderson.

1. Beyond Mountains and Rivers: While topography is vital, world-building delves deeper. Think about the societal norms, the daily rituals, the currencies in use, and even the local folklore. These nuances breathe life into your world.

2. Rooted in Reality: Even the most fantastical settings have elements anchored in reality. The key is to take what we know, twist it, reimagine it, and present it in a fresh, intriguing manner. Consider our history, diverse cultures, and the myriad traditions—they're a goldmine.

3. Consistency is Key: One of Sanderson’s hallmarks is his meticulous consistency. If magic exists, it follows certain rules. If a city is built atop a floating island, there's a reason behind its levitation. Consistency not only adds depth but bolsters the reader's suspension of disbelief.

4. Through the Eyes of Inhabitants: While an omniscient perspective of your world is great, viewing it through a character's eyes adds layers. How does a peasant perceive the grand city gates? How does a child marvel at the mystical creatures flying overhead? These viewpoints immerse readers deeper.

5. Evolve and Adapt: Just as our world changes—culturally, technologically, and politically—so should your fictional realm. Cities grow, cultures merge, and legends birth. This evolution makes your world dynamic and believable.

Activity: In the spirit of Sanderson's teachings, pick an everyday element, like rain. Now, reimagine it. Perhaps in your world, rain falls as shimmering crystals or carries whispers of ancient lore. How does this affect the land, the people, their stories?

World-building is an intricate dance of imagination and logic. As we prep for NaNoWriMo, let's be architects of realms that dazzle and enchant, where every mountain, marketplace, and mystic spell tells a tale. In the words of Sanderson, our world-building shouldn’t just serve the story, but be a vivid character in its own right.

Write with passion, delve into the unknown, and may the worlds you craft be as boundless as your imagination.


The Indie Author Method

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