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Editing Day 6: Themes and Symbols

Updated: Sep 7, 2023

Hey literary archaeologists,

Welcome to Day 6 of our Editing Odyssey. Today, we're unearthing the hidden treasures of themes and symbols. Dig in!

"To produce a mighty book, you must choose a mighty theme. No great and enduring volume can ever be written on the flea, though many there be that have tried it." —Herman Melville

What's the Message? Themes are the underlying messages of your story. Are they woven seamlessly into your narrative? Do they resonate with your characters and plot?

Decoding Symbols Symbols can add depth and intrigue to your story. Are they clear and consistent? Do they tie in with the themes and character arcs?

Subtlety is Key Themes and symbols should enhance your story, not overshadow it. They should invite readers to delve deeper, not confuse or distract them.

Day 6 is done and dusted. Join us tomorrow for the final day of our series, where we'll address grammar and style. Until then, keep those shovels digging!


The Indie Author Method

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