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Charting Your Weekly Wins

A vision without a plan is just a daydream, and as authors, we're no strangers to daydreaming! But when it comes to materializing those dreams into chapters, scenes, and complete manuscripts, a strategic approach can be a game-changer. Today we're diving into the potent power of setting weekly goals.

Why Weekly Goals are Game-Changers:

  1. Tangible Targets: Monthly or yearly objectives can seem distant. Breaking them into weekly chunks makes them feel more immediate and achievable.

  2. Momentum Maintenance: Meeting a goal at the end of each week provides a consistent boost of motivation, propelling you into the next with enthusiasm.

  3. Flexibility: If unforeseen challenges arise, weekly goals are short-term enough to adjust without derailing your entire plan.

  4. Reflection and Refinement: Each week serves as a checkpoint. Assess what worked, what didn’t, and refine your approach for the next week.

Crafting Your Weekly Goals:

  1. Start Specific: Instead of "write more," try "complete chapter 5" or "write 5,000 words."

  2. Balance Aspiration with Realism: Aim high, but ensure your goals are grounded in your current circumstances and capacities.

  3. Diversify: Writing isn’t just about word count. Maybe this week's goal is to flesh out a character backstory or map out a subplot.

  4. Account for Admin: Remember to factor in non-writing tasks. Perhaps dedicate time for research, or to update your author website.

My Personal Weekly Wins:

Last week, I aimed to finalize the plot twist in my upcoming novel, The Bram Stoker Society. Not only did I achieve this, but I also penned an additional chapter, exceeding my goal. It’s these weekly wins that keep my spirits high and fingers flying across the keyboard.

Activity: Set aside 30 minutes today to chart out your goals for the coming week. Be sure to celebrate each achievement, no matter how small. Your journey is a series of steps, each one worthy of acknowledgment.

Weekly goals are more than mere tasks; they're milestones on your authorial journey. By setting and smashing these short-term targets, you're laying brick by brick, the foundation of your literary legacy.

Write with intent, embrace the weekly rhythm, and may every goal you set bring you one step closer to your authorial aspirations.


The Indie Author Method

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